About Us
Terms of Service
By ordering with us, you acknowledge and agree to our terms of service.
All sales are final upon purchase, no refunds will be given.. Payment is accepted via PayPal or Direct deposit via stripe inbuilt website payment feature.
We cannot be held liable for anything regarding your health and safety and you agree its your responsibility as a new pet owner to research and learn the proper husbandry and safety precautions, etc prior to purchase..
When buying funnel-webs it is your responsibility that you should be 18 years and over as these are highly venomous animals.
It is your responsibility to understand your local state laws.
Please be sure all your personal information is correct.
No responsibility will be taken for packages going to the wrong address.
DOA:Dead on Arrival - We require notice immediately as soon as you notice a death. You must provide photo evidence. Replacement will be given first if possible if not a refund will be given to exact purchase amount excluding shipping cost. There will be no replacements or refunds or giveaways.

Shipping and Returns
We ship on Mondays and latest Tuesday through the week excluding week when public holidays arise, to ensure fastest possibly arrival on our lovely critters because like we are sure everybody can agree the heath and safety of our animals is of top priority above all else..,
When weather is extreme e.g 30°C or above your order will be held until the weather allows us to safely get your critters out to you unless you insist we send them out that week.. although no refunds will be issued if this is your decision. Furthermore we are busy so it is also up to our customers to check the weather in their region on the week of purchase
We are unable to send other biological products (soil, plants etc.)
Orders placed during business hours after Tuesday will shipped on the following Monday.
Western Australia
WA requires a $30 import permit, permits are generally approved next day may take up to 5 days, this is not accessible on our website and you will be required to apply through the DPAW website Western Australian Import Permit Application After approval we will then need you to forward a copy of your permit to nathan.essex@hotmail.com
WA has a limited amount of permitted species which can be found here: https://www.agric.wa.gov.au/organisms
Northern Territory
NT require receipt to prove purchase from a licensed seller.
TAS residents may import a selected few organisms with just a standard Tasmanian Wildlife Import Permit (NO FEE) which you can apply for here:
Here is also the list of those permitted organisms that do not require any additional permits to be issued for their importation:
https://nre.tas.gov.au/Documents/Tasmanian%20Animal%20Biosecurity%20Manual.pdf (Refer to section 3.1.14).
TAS may require a Special Authority so that they can be imported into the state, you can check these organisms here: https://www.legislation.tas.gov.au/view/whole/html/inforce/current/sr-2021-093?query=%28%28PrintType%3D%22act.reprint%22+AND+Amending%3c%3e%22pure%22+AND+PitValid%3D%40pointInTime%2820211202000000%29%29+OR+%28PrintType%3D%22act.reprint%22+AND+Amending%3D%22pure%22+AND+PitValid%3D%40pointInTime%2820211202000000%29%29+OR+%28PrintType%3D%22reprint%22+AND+Amending%3c%3e%22pure%22+AND+PitValid%3D%40pointInTime%2820211202000000%29%29+OR+%28PrintType%3D%22reprint%22+AND+Amending%3D%22pure%22+AND+PitValid%3D%40pointInTime%2820211202000000%29%29%29+AND+Title%3D%28%22wildlife%22+AND+%22regulations%22+AND+%222010%22%29&dQuery=Document+Types%3D%22%3cspan+class%3D%27dq-highlight%27%3eActs%3c/span%3e%2c+%3cspan+class%3D%27dq-highlight%27%3eAmending+Acts%3c/span%3e%2c+%3cspan+class%3D%27dq-highlight%27%3eSRs%3c/span%3e%2c+%3cspan+class%3D%27dq-highlight%27%3eAmending+SRs%3c/span%3e%22%2c+Search+In%3D%22%3cspan+class%3D%27dq-highlight%27%3eTitle%3c/span%3e%22%2c+All+Words%3D%22%3cspan+class%3D%27dq-highlight%27%3ewildlife+regulations+2021%3c/span%3e%22
If you wish to order animals that are restricted by Special Authority, you can email wildlife.services@nre.tas.gov.au and you they will guide you how how to do so or here is the link for the application form: Tasmanian Special Authority Application Form (NO FEE)
Once completed please send it to Biosecurity TAS which may take up to 10 days for approval.
For more information, please EMAIL: wildlife.services@nre.tas.gov.au
After approval we will then need you to forward a copy of your special authority to us through email: nathan.essex@hotmail.com before it can be posted.
All other states and territories may purchase native invertebrates unrestricted
Payment Methods
Credit / Debit Cards
Offsite Payments